Search Queries

Specific identifiers for Medications, Allergies, and Pharmacies are all required to fulfill a Prescription for a patient. Photon offers these basic search queries out of the box - no separate drug database needed!


Search an FDA-approved drug database. The medications query will return a list of medications based on name or code (e.g. RxCUI, NDC, SKU).

Medications can also be organized within a Catalog associated with an Organization.


Search known medication ingredient allergies. The allergy query will return a list of allergies from a partial string.

A list of allergies can be passed to the createPatient mutation. If a patient reports additional allergies, those can be added via the updatePatient mutation.


Search pharmacies capable of receiving orders from Photon. This endpoint can be used to help a patient select a pharmacy - either before or after they are prescribed medications.

The pharmacies query will search based on a partial name string and location (via a coordinate and a radius).


An Order can still be sent to pharmacies outside of the Photon Network, however fulfillment status webhooks wont always be sent for pharmacies that are not fully integrated.