Pharmacy Integration Guide

Photon is designed to streamline and improve the management of pharmacy fulfillment. Our goal is to make it easier for pharmacies to directly integrate.


If you're ready to get started with Photon or have questions about an integration, reach out at

We're happy to provide support or discuss specific use-cases beyond what's documented here.

Receiving Prescriptions

There are two paths for receiving prescriptions from Photon.

Direct Integration

A direct integration requires that your pharmacy has an endpoint stood up to accept prescriptions from Photon. We'll send prescriptions to that endpoint whenever a patient or provider selects your pharmacy. An example of what one of these prescriptions look like can be found below.

Fax Alternative

For non-integrated pharmacies, we can also send faxes.

Status Updates

If your pharmacy is able to share status updates, we have an endpoint.

  "status": "shipped",
  "order_id": "1234",
  "carrier": "USPS"
  "tracking_number": "5678"

Below are statuses that we accept. If you have a status that we're not tracking let us know!

new/receivedThe prescription (or order) has been received
in_progressThe prescription (or order) has begun processing
shipped/out_for_deliveryThe prescription (or order) has been sent out for delivery (either by mail or courier)
completedThe prescription (or order) has been fully completed. This should only be sent once it has been shipped, picked up, or delivered
canceledThe prescription (or order) has been canceled
errorSomething went wrong while filling the prescription

For shipped/out_for_delivery, we also support passing specific shipping information. This is helpful to eliminate communication from the patient/provider.

Prescription Format

Photon typically sends prescriptions in NCPDP SCRIPT Standard format in XML or JSON. We also support modifying the message for specific use cases, such as adding IDs for your internal usage.

<Message DatatypesVersion="20170715" TransportVersion="20170715" TransactionDomain="SCRIPT"
  TransactionVersion="20170715" StructuresVersion="20170715" ECLVersion="20170715">
    <To Qualifier="P">123456</To>
    <From Qualifier="D">0</From>
      <SenderSoftwareDeveloper>Photon Health</SenderSoftwareDeveloper>
            <AddressLine1>123 Main St</AddressLine1>
        <BusinessName>Your Pharmacy</BusinessName>
          <AddressLine1>123 MAIN ST</AddressLine1>
          <City>NEW YORK</City>
            <AddressLine1>199 N 8th St. #3B </AddressLine1>
        <DrugDescription>Azelex 20 % Topical Cream</DrugDescription>
        <Note>Please provide instructions in spanish if possible</Note>
          <SigText>Apply as needed</SigText>
  "Message": {
    "Header": {
      "To": 123456,
      "From": 0,
      "MessageID": "01H4PG3723PGB5BVJGNR3BAB0Z",
      "SentTime": "2023-07-06T21:00:30.998Z",
      "Security": {
        "Sender": {
          "TertiaryIdentification": 0
        "Receiver": {
          "TertiaryIdentification": 142
      "SenderSoftware": {
        "SenderSoftwareDeveloper": "Photon Health",
        "SenderSoftwareProduct": "Photon",
        "SenderSoftwareVersionRelease": 1
      "PrescriberOrderNumber": "01H4PG3723PGB5BVJGNR3BAB0Z"
    "Body": {
      "NewRx": {
        "Patient": {
          "HumanPatient": {
            "Name": {
              "LastName": "Smith",
              "FirstName": "John"
            "Gender": "M",
            "DateOfBirth": {
              "Date": "1999-01-01"
            "Address": {
              "AddressLine1": "123 Main St",
              "City": "Brooklyn",
              "StateProvince": "NY",
              "PostalCode": 11222,
              "CountryCode": "US"
            "CommunicationNumbers": {
              "PrimaryTelephone": {
                "Number": 13156634444
        "Pharmacy": {
          "Identification": {
            "NCPDPID": 5930044,
            "NPI": 1972149680
          "BusinessName": "Your Pharmacy",
          "Address": {
            "AddressLine1": "123 MAIN ST",
            "City": "NEW YORK",
            "StateProvince": "NY",
            "PostalCode": 11111,
            "CountryCode": "US"
          "CommunicationNumbers": {
            "PrimaryTelephone": {
              "Number": 9174448383
            "Fax": {
              "Number": 9174448383
        "Prescriber": {
          "NonVeterinarian": {
            "Identification": {
              "NPI": 123
            "PracticeLocation": {
              "BusinessName": "org_U3ofDUVRsNTYt7d8"
            "Name": {
              "LastName": "Johnson",
              "FirstName": "John"
            "Address": {
              "AddressLine1": "199 N 8th St. #3B",
              "City": "Brooklyn",
              "StateProvince": "NY",
              "PostalCode": 11211,
              "CountryCode": "US"
            "CommunicationNumbers": {
              "PrimaryTelephone": {
                "Number": 3174504573
        "MedicationPrescribed": {
          "DrugDescription": "Azelex 20 % Topical Cream",
          "DrugCoded": {
            "ProductCode": {
              "Code": "00023-8694",
              "Qualifier": "ND"
          "Quantity": {
            "Value": 1,
            "CodeListQualifier": 38,
            "QuantityUnitOfMeasure": {
              "Code": "C64933"
          "WrittenDate": {
            "DateTime": "2023-07-06T21:00:26.844000Z"
          "Substitutions": 0,
          "NumberOfRefills": 0,
          "Note": "Please provide instructions in spanish if possible",
          "Sig": {
            "SigText": "Apply as needed"