DoseSpot Migration Guide

We put together a bigger-picture checklist to help you decide if migrating to Photon makes sense and learn what the integration process could look like. The technical guide on migration is as follows:

1. Set Up Patient Synchronization

To ensure a smooth transition, you'll need to implement two key synchronization patterns:

a. Initial Patient Data Migration

Sync your existing patients to Photon by implementing the following:

  • Create new patients using the createPatient mutation
  • Include complete patient profiles with demographics, allergies, and medication history.
  • Map your existing patient IDs to Photon's system using externalId

Here's a backend implementation example of how to create a patient with their complete allergy and medication history:

import { GraphQLClient, gql } from "graphql-request";

const graphQLClient = new GraphQLClient("", {
  headers: {
    authorization: "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN_HERE",

const query = gql`
  mutation createPatient(
    $externalId: ID
    $name: NameInput!
    $dateOfBirth: AWSDate!
    $sex: SexType!
    $phone: AWSPhone!
    $allergies: [AllergenInput]
    $medicationHistory: [MedHistoryInput]
  ) {
      externalId: $externalId
      name: $name
      dateOfBirth: $dateOfBirth
      sex: $sex
      phone: $phone
      allergies: $allergies
      medicationHistory: $medicationHistory
    ) {

const variables = {
  externalId: "YOUR_ID", // optional
  name: {
    first: "Jane",
    last: "Doe",
  dateOfBirth: "1970-01-01",
  sex: "FEMALE",
  phone: "+12025550102",

const results = await graphQLClient.request(query, variables);

b. Ongoing Patient Updates

Implement real-time synchronization in your backend:

  • Update existing patient records using the updatePatient
  • Sync any changes to allergies or medication history
  • Ensure new patients are automatically created in Photon

2. Embed Photon's Prescribing Interface

Install the Photon elements package:

npm i @photonhealth/elements

Then add the prescribing workflow to your application:


For additional customization options, see the Elements documentation here

3. Optional Features

Webhook Integration

Set up webhooks to receive real-time updates about:

  • Order status changes
  • Prescription updates

To subscribe to webhooks, you can follow the instructions here

Historical Data Import

We can help import your existing DoseSpot data:

  1. Export your current prescription data
  2. Share the data export with our team
  3. We'll handle the migration to maintain continuity of care

Managing Patient Allergies

If you're migrating from DoseSpot, you likely already have RxCUI codes for your patient allergies. You can use these RxCUI values directly in the AllergenInput field when creating or updating patients, without needing to search for allergens first.

If you don't have RxCUI codes for your allergens, you'll need to search for and retrieve the correct allergen information from Photon's allergen database. Here's the complete workflow:

  1. First, search for allergens using the allergens query:
import { GraphQLClient, gql } from "graphql-request";

const graphQLClient = new GraphQLClient("", {
  headers: {
    authorization: "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN_HERE",

// Query to search for allergens
const searchAllergensQuery = gql`
  query allergens($filter: AllergenFilter) {
    allergens(filter: $filter) {

// Example: Search for penicillin allergens
const searchResults = await graphQLClient.request(searchAllergensQuery, {
  filter: {
    name: "penicillin"  // Fuzzy search - will match similar names

// searchResults will contain matching allergens
  1. Then, use the retrieved ID for the AllergenInput field in the createPatient mutation.

Managing Medication History

When creating or updating patients, you can choose to include their medication history. This involves two steps:

  1. First, get the medication ID by searching the Photon catalog:
const searchMedicationsQuery = gql`
  query medications($filter: MedicationFilter) {
    medications(filter: $filter) {

// Search by name
const medResults = await graphQLClient.request(searchMedicationsQuery, {
  filter: { name: "lisinopril" }
  1. Then, use the retrieved ID for the MedHistoryInput field in the createPatient mutation.

Managing Patient Pharmacies

You can set a patients preferred pharmacy via API. If you have patient pharmacies stored using an identifier like NCPDP or NPI, let us know and we can help you set preferred pharmacies for your existing patients.

To set a patients pharmacy:

  1. Search for Photon pharmacy network to find the pharmacy ID. You can search by name or location.
const searchPharmaciesQuery = gql`
  query pharmacies(
    $name: String,
    $location: LatLongSearch,
    $type: FulfillmentType,
    $first: Int
  ) {
      name: $name,
      location: $location,
      type: $type,
      first: $first
    ) {
      address {

// Example 1: Search by pharmacy name
const searchByName = await graphQLClient.request(searchPharmaciesQuery, {
  name: "CVS Pharmacy",
  first: 10

// Example 2: Search by location (within 5 miles)
const searchByLocation = await graphQLClient.request(searchPharmaciesQuery, {
  location: {
    latitude: 38.8977,
    longitude: -77.0365,
    radius: 5
  type: "PICK_UP",
  first: 10
  1. Once you have the pharmacy ID, attach it to the patient profile using the updatePatient mutation
const updatePatientMutation = gql`
  mutation updatePatient(
    $id: ID!
  ) {
      id: $id
      preferredPharmacies: $preferredPharmacies
    ) {
      preferredPharmacies {

// Update patient with preferred pharmacy
const variables = {
  id: "PATIENT_ID",
  preferredPharmacies: [[0].id]

const result = await graphQLClient.request(updatePatientMutation, variables);


Refer to authentication guide for instructions on how to authenticate these requests.

Need Help?

Contact us for assistance with:

  • Data migration questions
  • Implementation guidance
  • Technical troubleshooting