Place Orders
Optional integration for routing orders to a pharmacy
After writing prescriptions a provider can select a pharmacy and submit an order within the Photon App or Elements UI. Orders can also be submitted programmatically.
Typically partners automate Order requests to save provider time or ensure that a certain action is completed before fulfillment (e.g. charging a credit card). Orders may contain fill requests for multiple prescriptions. OTC medications may also be added at this step.
Prescriptions written with Photon are not assigned or sent to a specific pharmacy until an Order is placed. This action can be completed programmatically.
A preferred pharmacy can be specified if a patient choses, otherwise Photon will route the prescription to the the most optimal pharmacy.
Create an Order
A request to the createOrder mutation will place a new order in Photon. This will begin
Below is an example of how to create an order from a backend. Refer to authentication guide for instructions on how to authenticate these requests.
import { GraphQLClient, gql } from "graphql-request";
const graphQLClient = new GraphQLClient("", {
headers: {
const query = gql`
mutation createOrder(
$externalId: ID
$patientId: ID!
$fills: [FillInput!]!
$address: AddressInput!
$pharmacyId: ID
) {
externalId: $externalId
patientId: $patientId
fills: $fills
address: $address
pharmacyId: $pharmacyId
) {
const variables = {
externalId: "YOUR_ORDER_ID", // optional
patientId: "pat_123",
fills: [{ prescriptionId: "rx_456" }],
pharmacyId: "phr_789",
address: {
street1: "123 Main St",
postalCode: "11111",
country: "USA",
state: "NY",
city: "Brooklyn",
const results = await graphQLClient.request(query, variables);
Updated almost 2 years ago